Remote Guarding

KPSSL performed remotely Traditional guarding functions. When you have Remote Guarding managed by Kumomal Private Security Services Limited, incidents are acted upon in real-time and trouble can be deterred before it happens. The combination of smart technology and our remote security expertise creates unprecedented efficiency to help protect your facility 24/7.

Remote Guarding Services Include

Intelligent Video Surveillance that Proactively Searches for Threats

With the continued evolution of behavioral video analytics, you can rely on KPSSL technology to be alert for unwanted activity near your perimeter or sensitive areas.

Analytic rules can be customized to alert Remote Guarding officers to security threats such as persons or vehicles breaching your perimeter, entering restricted areas, loitering, or traveling in the wrong direction.

Remote Perimeter Protection offers remarkable efficiencies as it constantly monitors the scene and engages the human element only when the analytic criteria have been met. We also actively optimize the system over time to deter another persistent threat – false alarms. KPSSL can then manage the entire chain – from technology to officers to on-site response. This level of efficiency can provide complete protection for a nominal fee.



Advantages of Remote Perimeter Protection:

  • Proactive technology can alert Remote Guarding officers to potential threats before an incident occurs
  • Cameras with artificial intelligence software can detect activity missed by the human element
  • Efficiency and productivity of your security program is enhanced
  • Scalable solutions can adapt to fluctuations in activity
  • Part of a comprehensive Protective Services portfolio

Efficiently Process Requests Remotely

With Remote Entry/Exit Management, we can verify that entry points are opened only for authorized activity. In compliance with existing access control protocols, we can verify the identity of individuals requesting access, confirm authorization, track and record activity, and report any exceptions.

Whether you have sporadic activity during slow hours, are looking to streamline and have better records of your entry processes, or need to fill in gaps during officer breaks, Remote Entry/Exit Management can address those needs. 

A KPSSL Remote Guarding officer activates cameras and audio devices, scans the area, and follows your established authorization protocol. KPSSL works with clients to determine the appropriate procedures – what can be automated and what needs to be recorded – to realize notable efficiencies.

Advantages of Remote Entry/Exit Management:

  • Provides on-demand processing of individuals requesting access to your facility
  • Maintains the security of your facility’s entry points and appropriately documents employees, visitors and contractors as they enter or leave
  • Each request is handled uniformly, creating meaningful data that can be used to track personnel activity
  • Enhances the productivity of your security program
  • Part of a comprehensive Protective Services portfolio

A Modern Way to Patrol your Premises

Remote Patrol provides a proactive security presence with additional oversight of your facility’s sensitive areas to assist with safety and security requirements.

Video-based patrols provide additional support to local security teams through increased surveillance of your facility’s critical areas. Patrols can be tailored to specific needs through inspection and recording of key details, making announcements as necessary, and escalating to the proper authority when appropriate.

Our Remote Guarding officers can conduct patrols once or multiple times per night. By logging into the camera network, they are able to conduct a full exterior or interior patrol.

Advantages of Remote Patrol:

  • Proactive inspection of your property in key areas provides increased oversight, safety, and compliance with company policies and procedures
  • Increased efficiency and productivity of your security program by performing peripheral tasks and allowing your on-site security officers to focus on critical duties requiring a local presence
  • Scalable solutions can be routinely delivered across multiple locations or in response to elevated risk scenarios
  • Part of a comprehensive Protective Services portfolio
KPSSL- escort-remote guarding-service-in-nigeria-usa

On-Demand Supervision and Protection

With Remote Escort KPSSL provides visibility of individuals at your facility to oversee their safety and adherence to operational procedures.

Do you have concerns about your employees’ safety? Are they arriving earlier or staying later due to increased responsibilities or seasonal workloads? Have there been recent problems in the area? Do highly sensitive areas require adherence to critical operational procedures? Securitas Remote Escort utilizes live video surveillance with two-way communication to provide a safe environment as individuals move throughout your facility.

Upon request of individuals on-site, Remote Guarding officers at our Operation Center remotely log into your cameras, scanning the area for potential threats. Officers then observe individuals as they move about the premises, communicate concerns or instructions, and escalate to the proper authority when appropriate.

Advantages of Using Our Remote Escort Services

  • On-demand response to requests from employees, visitors, and contractors at your facility
  • Helps to maintain a safe and secure environment
  • Assists with compliance to company policies and procedures, particularly in highly sensitive areas of your facility
  • Enhances the productivity of your security program
  • Scalable solution can be routinely delivered across multiple locations or in response to elevated risk scenarios
  • Part of a comprehensive Protective Services portfolio

Remote Guarding's Flexible Solutions:

Highly trained Remote Guarding officers are connected to these solutions right out of the box, protecting your facility and leveraging the largest Mobile Guarding security footprint in Africa and beyond.

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